Oocyte cryopreservation is the process of freezing eggs. Eggs are harvested from the ovaries and then frozen using a cryoprotectant solution. This solution helps to prevent ice crystal formation, which can damage the egg. Embryo cryopreservation is the process of freezing embryos.

Embryos are created through in vitro fertilization (IVF) and then frozen using a cryoprotectant solution. This solution helps to prevent ice crystal formation, which can damage the embryo. Both oocyte and embryo cryopreservation are used to preserve fertility for women who wish to delay childbearing.

The goal at best fertility centers in Kanhangad is to produce as many eggs as possible before they are removed from the ovaries. Once you've produced an adequate number of eggs, doctors can remove them from your body through an incision in the vagina or abdomen (depending on where they sit).

The eggs are then frozen by suspending them in liquid nitrogen (-321 degrees Fahrenheit) until they are needed (a process called vitrification). After they are frozen, there is no limit on how long they can be stored - so future pregnancies will never interfere with this one!

Oocyte and Embryo Cryopreservation in Kanhangad

What is the role of your Gynecologist

  1. Your doctor is responsible for ensuring that the eggs are healthy and viable.
  2. They will also need to ensure that the egg retrieval process is done correctly and without complications.
  3. After the eggs are retrieved, your doctor will then need to monitor the embryos as they grow in the lab.
  4. When it comes time for implantation, your doctor will again be responsible for ensuring that everything goes smoothly.
  5. If you opt to have your embryos cryopreserved, your doctor will be responsible for choosing the right cryopreservation method and monitoring the embryos during storage.
  6. When you are ready to use your stored embryos, your fertility specialist, Dr. Shruthi AG Gynecologist in Kanhangad will once again be responsible for thawing them and implantation.

When You Need an Oocyte and Embryo Cryopreservation?

When you're ready to have a baby, you may not be able to wait nine months for the delivery. You may have a medical condition that makes pregnancy risky. Or you may simply want to keep your eggs in reserve in case you decide to have children later in life.

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+91 96596 56300
Shashirekha MultiSpeciality Hospital
Kushavan Kunnu, Ajanur, Post, Kanhangad, Kerala - 671531