Ovulation Induction (OI) is a fertility treatment that utilizes meds to cause or manage ovulation, or increment the number of eggs produced during a cycle, to expand the chance for pregnancy.

What to expect during Ovulation Induction?

Ovulation Induction treatment in Kanhangad normally includes the following stages:


Ovulation Induction meds incorporate clomiphene citrate. This oral medication advances the growth of the fluid-filled sacks (follicles) containing the eggs. If you don't ovulate, or you ovulate and don't become pregnant after clomiphene treatment, different drugs known as gonadotropins might be recommended, either alone or in combination.

Gonadotropins are taken by injection under the skin. They replace natural follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), and if they are effective the ovaries produce various follicles and high-quality, mature eggs.

Your hormone levels and follicular development are tracked all through the stimulation cycle. Whenever required, your medication protocol (the sort and dose) might be altered for ideal outcomes.

Ovulation Induction Treatment in Kanhangad


Since powerful hormones are utilized to produce huge changes in your system, their effects are followed by blood tests and ultrasound. These tests are utilized to decide a baseline - demonstrating your natural hormone levels - and your medication start date. Therefore, Ovulation Induction cycles likewise might be known as "monitored" cycles.

Egg discharge – ovulation

At the point when the follicles get matured, generally somewhere in the range of 16 and 20 millimeters in diameter depending upon your stimulation medication, you will take an intramuscular injection of hCG in preparation of intercourse or intra-uterine insemination (IUI).

The potential fertility improvement that this kind of treatment might yield relies upon the lady's age and diagnosis and the initial male semen analysis, and ought to be examined with your doctor.

Who is recommended for ovulation induction?

Ovulation Induction treatment is suggested for:

  1. Ladies with unexplained infertility.
  2. Ladies with long, irregular or inconsistent cycles.
  3. Ladies who are not ovulating.
  4. Couples with no male-factor infertility.

Ovulation Induction treatment isn't recommended for:

  1. Ladies more than 38 years old.
  2. Ladies with tubal blockage or serious tubal damage.
  3. Ladies with severe endometriosis.
  4. Couples with a low sperm count or poor sperm motility/morphology.

Visit Dr. Shruthi AG who is the best infertility specialist in Kanhangad

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+91 96596 56300
Shashirekha MultiSpeciality Hospital
Kushavan Kunnu, Ajanur, Post, Kanhangad, Kerala - 671531